In This Issue: Focus on Network Security

HEALTHY IT: Isolating Medical Devices >
SIEM TOOLS: Analyze and Prioritize >
UTM: Tips for Small-Scale Deployment >
IDS: Spotting Security Problems >

September 7, 2010  

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Case Study

Quarantining Infection
VA finds cure for infected medical devices

After computerized medical devices at the Department of Veterans Affairs contracted viruses and malware, the agency moved to isolate some 50,000 of them from the network using virtual LANs and access control lists.

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Tech Trends

Security Smarts
Management systems make sense of alerts

Tracking all the security events that occur on a large network can be near impossible for IT staff, so the Navy and the Federal Aviation Administration tap security information event management tools to analyze events and respond.

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Tech Tips

SSL VPN Virtuoso
Try these four tips for deployment

Unified threat management devices offer SSL VPNs with a lower price tag and easier management than their enterprise-class brethren. Here are four suggestions for using small-scale SSL VPNs more effectively.

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Tech Tips

Intrusion Detection Systems
Learn how to best apply an IDS to spot security problems

Learn how to best apply an IDS in your agency to detect security policy violations, data leakage, and misconfigured or unauthorized devices.

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Best Practices

Data Loss Prevention
Ensure sensitive digital assets remain in your organization

Data loss prevention products offer valuable aid in detecting leakage of Social Security or credit card numbers. To get the most from these tools, apply proper policies and risk assessment.

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White Paper

Security: Key strategies for safeguarding IT resources from interior and exterior threats.

Reference Guide

Security: Keeping information confidential, intact and accessible when threats emerge.

The 21st Century Government
View the 21st Century Government



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