In This Issue: Focus on Document Management

DOCUMENTS: Agencies Shed Paper Loads
SHAREPOINT: More Than Just a Portal
STRATEGY: 5 Tips for E-Mail Archiving
REVIEW: Kodak il420 Scanner

Oct. 11, 2011  

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Achieving Document Management Success
Electronic archiving solutions help agencies manage records

For some agencies, going paperless is a recent endeavor. The National Mediation Board, however, has been creating paperless records for the past six years with the help of an electronic record-keeping solution known as a corporate memory system.

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Tech Trends  

A Record Hit
Agencies take advantage of the organizational prowess of SharePoint Server 2010

Enterprise content management has never been more user-friendly and efficient, thanks to Microsoft's SharePoint Server 2010. The U.S. Army and the Department of Agriculture are two agencies that have recently deployed ECM.

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Tech Tips

5 Practical E-Mail Archival Strategies
Maintain discipline and order with these five tips for e-mail archiving

E-mail has become a central point of contact for individuals and organizations, but the information flow can quickly become an overload if the proper steps for archiving messages aren't taken.

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Product Review

Kodak i1420 Scanner
This desktop scanner delivers more flexible performance than an average flatbed scanner

With the Kodak i1420 Scanner, document imaging has never been easier. The device is compact but highly capable of meeting the needs of any organization that does serious scanning.

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Boosting Telework with VDI: Learn how federal IT leaders from the U.S. Census Bureau, EPA and U.S. Patent and Trademark Office expanded telework in their agencies with desktop virtualization.

Tech Trends

From the Printed Page: Enterprise scanning stations let agencies capture data and make it immediately available to many users.

White Paper

Highly Available Networks: Resiliency, reliability and security are the key concerns for maintaining network resources.

The 21st Century Government
View the 21st Century Government



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