In This Issue: Focus on Client Security

HEALTHY SECURITY: Thin Clients Ease Management >
ON THE RUN: Securing USB Drives >
DEFENSE IN DEPTH: Trend Micro Enterprise Security Suite >
VIRTUALIZATION: Securing End-user Platforms >

August 3, 2010  

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Thin Clients: A Healthy Security Approach
Information never leaves the data center

Many agencies keep more of their processing horsepower in the data center by deploying lightweight clients that are cheaper, easier, faster and more secure than traditional desktops and notebooks. VA’s Jeff Lush explains why his department has chosen that route.

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Tech Trends

Secure in the Wild: USB Drives
Flash drives win users because of portability, simplicity

USB drives are a boon for COOP, notes NITC’s Greg Schmitz. And government mandates and maturing technology have led to encryption and smart management strategies that help strike a balance between convenience and secure data.

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Product Review

Trend Micro Enterprise Security Suite
This tool can provide defense-in-depth protection

This gateway-to-endpoint security solution delivers multilayered and multithreat protection. Reduced cost of ownership and centralized administration make Enterprise Security Suite an attractive option for budget-constrained organizations of all sizes.

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Tech Tips

Client-Side Virtualization
Learn new ways to create secure end-user platforms

It’s common when thinking about virtualization technology to focus on the server side. But moving forward, the client side will take on a greater role in deploying new operating systems, maintaining those systems, and ensuring their stable and secure use.

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White Papers

Security: Key strategies for safeguarding IT resources from interior and exterior threats

Client Virtualization for Government: Improved security and long-term cost savings on hardware and staff are a few of the benefits of virtualizing clients

Reference Guide

Security: Keeping information confidential, intact and accessible when threats emerge


Anti-Theft Measures: Safeguard your computing devices with these theft-deterrent tools

The 21st Century Government
View the 21st Century Government



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