In This Issue: Focus on Backup and Replication Strategies

REDUNDANCY: Scale Services When Demand Runs High >
DEDUPE: Creating Storage Efficiencies >
REVIEW: Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 >
E-MAIL: 4 Tips for Better Archiving >

June 1, 2010  

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Case Study

Redundancy at the Ready
U.S. Geological Survey enjoys on-the-fly scalability

The USGS Geospatial Information Office identically configures servers at its data centers for backup purposes and replicates data for disaster recovery and continuity of operations, allowing the agency to keep data available during periods of peak demand.

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Tech Trends

Built-In Dedupe
Data deduplication relieves backup bloat

Federal agencies such as the Fort Collins Science Center and Agriculture Marketing Service look to deduplication technology to shrink backup windows and expedite replication to centralized storage.

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Product Review

Acronis Backup
Package tailor-made for virtualized machines

Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Advanced Server Virtual Edition provides agent-less backup of VMware, Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V and Parallels platforms through an intuitive Dashboard interface.

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Tech Tips

Better E-Mail Backup
4 ways to preserve essential messages

E-mail contains vital information that must be retained to comply with regulatory requirements. This includes setting a retention policy and then applying one of a variety of e-mail archiving products to meet your organization's requirements.

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Tech Watch

Peaceful Coexistence
Fast Fibre Channel and iSCSI both have a place in SANs

Organizations anticipate upgrading to 8 gigabit-per-second Fibre Channel for reliability and fault tolerance, while high-speed Ethernet spurs iSCSI deployment for data and storage consolidation.

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White Papers

IT Services: Boost productivity, improve efficiencies and save money

Disaster Recovery and Continuity of Operations Planning: Keep your organization operating at its best while preparing for the worst

Reference Guides

Disaster Recovery and COOP: Prepare for success before problems arise

Virtualization and Infrastructure Optimization: Innovating for greater efficiency and flexibility, with lower cost and complexity

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